Clearly identify what foods you have problems with by targeting specific known food allergens

The Protocol
Start a journal that includes any food that passes your lips, and any symptoms (new & old).
Eat “Can Eat” foods (list below) exclusively for 6 weeks. Continue to journal and note any relief from symptoms.
On first day of 7th week, can begin reintroducing “Can’t Eat” foods one at a time, starting with what you miss the most (your choice).
Eat a lot it for half a day (breakfast, snack and lunch) then go back to regular diet for 3 ½ days. Look for symptoms to return in first 12 hours, sometimes even within the first few minutes. If symptoms return, note in journal.
On 5th day try next allergen. If there was no reaction to first thing you reintroduced, you can add it back in from then on.
If there is anything else you eat a lot of or crave (kids: peanuts and citrus) aside from the “Can’t Eat” foods list, reintroduce for ½ a day and look for symptom return.
Continue this cycle until you work your way through all the "Can't Eat" foods:
Can't Eat (8 main families of known food allergens):
Gluten: all wheat products (breads, pastas, seitan)
Dairy: milk, cheese, eggs, butter
Soy: tofu or any other soy product
Corn: often called by a myriad of other names such as ascorbic acid, aspartame, caramel color, citric acid, cornstarch, corn syrup, dextrose, high fructose corn syrum, maltodextrin, natural flavor, sorbitol, saccharine, xanthan gum, xylitol
Nuts: peanuts and treenuts
Nightshades: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers
Processed Sugars
Can Eat (safe for most people):
Brown rice, wild rice
Free range grass fed organic chicken, turkey or lamb. No skin. A small number of people have allergic reactions to chicken,
but don’t worry about chicken unless no other allergens are found
Salmon (if absolutely certain no reaction to seafood)
Veggies (except night shades): chard, kale, spinach, broccoli, salad, carrots, garlic, onions, olive oil
Fruit: blueberries, pears, olive
Spices: a little ‘sea salt’ is ok if you REALLY need it.
Tea: can have chamomile if needed.
*Note: Finding out that you have an allergen or sensativity to a food doesn't mean that you can't or shouldn't ever eat it. It means that you have the information that this food has a certain effect on your system. Your decision after clearly identifying what foods you have sensativities to depends on your goals and lifestyle. Your options for optimal health, and symptom reduction are either to completely avoid the food, or to engage in NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Ellimination Technique) at Asheville Acupuncture Wellness Center. Read about NAET services offered at AAWC here.